(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]PW[Cho Chikun]PB[Fujisawa Shuko]WR[9p, Meijin, Honinbo, Oza]BR[9p, Kisei]KM[5.5]DT[1983-01-13,14]AP[GoSWF:1.9]EV[Kisei,7,Japan,Yomiuri]PC[Nikko, Japan]RE[B+4.5]RO[1]SO[http://gobase.org/games/japan/titles/kisei/7/game-1.sgf]TM[32400]C[(Comments from leopika KGS 2k, 2011/03/27)];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[fq];W[po];B[cn];W[dn];B[dm];W[en];B[cq];W[co];B[dq];W[cm];B[qm];W[qq];B[qp];W[pp];B[qo];W[qn];B[rn];W[pn];B[oq];W[rm];B[ro];W[ql];B[rq];W[cf]TR[cm][dn][en][co][dp]C[White prevents Black from aproaching his corner from the West, since it would either neutralize or overconcentrate the strength of the marked white stones in the South-West.];B[ec]LB[dc:A]C[Black plays a ladder-breaker threatening to push at A which would be big.];W[dc]TR[qm]C[White close off the corner, even if it means that the marked black stone can escape.];B[pm];W[ol];B[om];W[nm];B[rl];W[on];B[sm];W[pl];B[rm];W[nl]TR[on][pn][qn][po][pp]LB[nn:A][mn:B]C[White has no other choice than to sacrifice five stones and get strong in the center. If Black cuts at A, White pushes at B. But the marked white stones are not that important at the moment: there are bigger points all over the board.];B[jd]TR[ec]C[Black approches on the fourth line from a distance, ready to sacrifice his marked stone, in order to neutralize White's influence in the center.];W[hd]TR[ec]C[White surrounds the black marked stone, developing at the same time his framework in the West.];B[cg]C[Therefore Black invades the Framework...];W[df];B[jf]C[... and continues to neutralize White's influence in the Center, while developing his own framework in the Norh-East.];W[hf];B[bf];W[be];B[cj];W[cl];B[bg];W[dg];B[ck]SQ[aa][bb][ab][ba][ca][cb][cc][cd][ce][de][ee][fe][ge][gd][gc][fc][fd][ed][eb][ea][da][db][rp][sp][so][sn][sq][rs][rr][sr][ss][qr][qs][ps][pr][cr][dr][er][es][cs][ds][bs][as][an][bn][bm][am][do][ah][ai][bj][aj][ag]MA[cn][ec][qq]C[White has 36,5 points counting komi plus some influence in the Center. Black has about 28 points of territory plus good prospects in the North-East. The cut at A remains therefore non-urgent.]LB[nn:A];W[nc]LB[qc:B][qf:A]TR[rl][jd][jf]C[Taking the corner directly at A or approching it at B would permit Black to gain too much territory in the North. Moreover, the marked black stone in the East (S8) would prevent a white formation in this area to be of much value. That's why White needs first to invade the black framework because it will permit him either to take a bigger corner than previously mentionned, or to attack the two marked black stones in the North (K16 and K14) while fleeing into the Center.];B[hc]C[So Black needs to reinforce himself to prevent a counterattack later on. ];W[gc];B[ic];W[gb];B[lc]C[Now that he's ready, Black can finally turn against the intruder.];W[dl];B[ae];W[bd];B[bl];W[qc]TR[lc][hc][ic][jd][jf]C[Since the marked black stones are allready strong, there is no point in fleeing into the center to attack them. Taking a big corner while sacrificing the invading stone is much more appealing.];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc];W[qf];B[pf];W[qg]SQ[er][es][ds][dr][cr][bs][as][cs][sn][so][rp][sp][sq][sr][ss][rr][rs][qs][qr][pr][ps][lb][la][ma][mb][kc][jc][mc][od][nd][md][ld][kd][qa][ra][sa][sb][rb][rc][sc][rd][sd][se][rf][sf][aa][ab][bb][cb][cc][ca][ba][da][db][eb][ea][fa][fb][fc][gd][fd][ed][cd][ce][de][ee][fe][ge][ag][ah][ai][aj][ak][bj][do]MA[nc][ec][dm][qq]C[White has about 47,5 points, while Black has around 43. I'd say White did pretty well in limiting Black's north framework, but...];B[nn]C[...now this cut is big.];W[mn];B[no];W[mo];B[np]C[With 12 more points in the pocket, Black takes the lead and White has to find a way to make good use of his influence in the Center if he wants to come back in the game.];W[bm];B[al];W[hq]LB[bm:A][al:B]C[Now that White has reinforced himself with the exchange A for B, he can put some pressure on the three black stones isolated in the South-West corner, while developing his central influence.];B[gp]C[Cautiously, Black has to neutralize White's growing influence in order to keep the lead..];W[lq];B[hp];W[ip];B[iq];W[jq];B[ir];W[io]TR[hq]C[White persevere in his attempt to build an infrastructure in the Center. To do so, he needs to keep the initiative; hence the sacrifice of the marked stone.];B[jr];W[kr];B[jp];W[kq];B[hr];W[kh]C[Now, the size of White's claim over the Center is so big that Black has no choice but to plunge into it. Just reducing it from the borders wouldn't be sufficicent.];B[im]C[In a hostile place, one needs to use every enemy's weakness to survive...];W[hn];B[lm]C[... which means that Black has to 'sting like a bee'...];W[lk];B[jk]C[...and 'float like a butterfly'.];W[hm];B[ji];W[aj];B[bj];W[am];B[ai];W[bi];B[ak];W[ah];B[aj];W[ki];B[hl];W[gl];B[in];W[jo];B[hk];W[me]C[Having lost his Center, White's only hope now is to return the favor to Black and destroy his northern framework even more.];B[nd];W[jh];B[gk];W[fm];B[kn];W[jn];B[jm];W[kl];B[ko];W[ho];B[km];W[mm];B[kj];W[lj];B[ij];W[ei]LB[fg:A]TR[bi]C[White's play kills THREE birds with one stone!Firstly, it threatens to save the marked white stone, thus killing the western black group which would have only one eye. Secondly, it threatens to disconnect this same group from the one in the center, which would have then to survive on his own. Thirdly, it surrounds the A area.];B[dj]TR[bi]LB[ej:A]C[Trying his best, Black capture the marked white stone in a way that permits the western group to approach one in the Center. But White can still separate them by pushing at A.];W[ke]C[White continues his revenge from losing his framework in the Center by reducing the northern black one as much as possible. It's the only way for him to close the gap with Black.];B[je];W[ch];B[ci];W[kk]TR[gk][hk][ij][jk][ji][kj][hl][im][jm][km][lm][kn][ko][in]C[Now the black marked stones can't survive on their own...];B[ej]C[...They have to connect to the western group.];W[ja]C[When all is said and done, the shrinking of the northern black group seems quite effective in the end, but...];B[pg];W[ph];B[oh];W[ng]LB[qe:A][qh:B]C[...while White tries hard to maintain Black fruitless in the North, he hurts himself in the East. There, his stones become thiner by the minute (see the weaknesses at A and B).];B[og];W[ii];B[qe]C[Trying to profit from White's weaknesses is the least Black can do after such harassment.];W[re];B[pi];W[ri];B[jb];W[ia];B[ka];W[hb];B[lg]C[Finally, the time comes for Black to counterattack.];W[mg];B[lf];W[lh];B[ib];W[ha];B[md];W[le];B[rd];W[rf];B[pa];W[kb];B[la];W[lb];B[mf];W[nf];B[ne]C[White can't save both marked groups.]TR[kb][lb][ke][le][me];W[kc];B[kd];W[na]LB[oa:A][kf:B]C[This time it's Black that can't have both ways, since A and B are interchangeable.];B[jg]TR[ke][le][me]C[Black decides to capture the three white stones...];W[oa];B[mb];W[ma];B[nb];W[qa]SQ[od][oe][ld][mc]MA[me][le][ke][nc]C[And White gets to connect underneath. In the end, the northern black framework produced 2 points minus three captured stones in the first line, thus 9 points only! But still...];B[bp]C[Did White catch up ?];W[jj]SQ[aq][bq][br][ar][as][bs][cr][cs][dr][ds][er][es][fs][fr][gs][gq][gr][hs][pr][ps][qs][qr][rr][rs][ss][sq][rp][sp][so][sn][sr][op][oo][sc][rc][rb][ra][sa][sb][sd][se][sf][rg][sg][sh][ga][fa][fb][eb][ea][da][db][cb][ca][ba][bb][ab][aa][fc][cc][cd][ce][de][ed][fd][gd][ge][fe][ee][do][ag][bk][od][oe][mc][ld]MA[aj][ah][bi][hq][cn][pa][kj][ji][nc][ke][le][me][qq][on][pn][qn][po][pp][ec][rd][ka][la][rm][dm]LB[fg:A][mr:B]C[Let's see... Black has about 67 points and White 60.5, komi included. At this stage, that's a pretty big lead for Black since the last free areas are around A and B.];B[fi]LB[fg:A]TR[gk][hk][hl][ij][jk][im][jm][km][lm][kn][ko][in]C[Black can't invade and destroy directly the A area because he has to keep the marked stones connected to the western group.];W[gi];B[fj];W[fh];B[dh];W[eh]LB[fg:A][mr:B]C[Gaining control of the A area permits White to finally catch up, but doing so means losing the initiative, therefore Black should be able to take the lead again.];B[ad];W[ac];B[af];W[di];B[bh];W[bc];B[rj];W[qh];B[qi];W[rh];B[nj]LB[mk:A][kp:B][mp:C]TR[mo][mn][mm][nm][nl][ol][pl][ql]C[Now, if Black can cut at A, White won't be able to play both B and C and thus will lose the marked stones and the game.];W[ni];B[nh];W[oi];B[oj];W[qj];B[pj];W[qk];B[mi];W[rk]LB[mh:A][mk:B][kp:C][mp:D]TR[nf][ng][mg]C[I really don't see why White had to abandon his three marked stones.Seems to me that he had time to play A, since his actual play (S9) and B were interchangeable as were C and D. I must miss something...];B[mh]C[This capture is very BIG: it ensures Black the victory, which leads us to the end of this commentary. (leopika KGS 2k, 2011/03/27)];W[ep];B[eq];W[kg];B[kf];W[ig];B[kp];W[mp];B[mr];W[mq];B[nq];W[bo];B[sk];W[sj];B[fl];W[el];B[gm];W[gn];B[go];W[gl];B[hi];W[fk];B[hh];W[gh];B[gj];W[jl];B[il];W[hg];B[fo];W[eo];B[fn];W[gm];B[ek];W[fl];B[id];W[ie];B[if];W[he];B[ao];W[an];B[ap];W[js];B[is];W[cp];B[bq];W[fp];B[gq];W[mk];B[ms];W[ks];B[ll];W[ih];B[hj];W[dh];B[sl]C[time used:W 6h 14m B 8h 59m])
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Cho Chikun    Fujisawa Shuko
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